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Sustainability at ATPI: constantly evolving

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At ATPI, our mission is to drive sustainability into the core of our business so that all aspects of our global operations achieve the combined goals of Responsibility with Profitability.
Responsibility for our people and towards the communities in which we operate, responsibility for our environment and the impact we have on the planet and, finally, responsibility to other stakeholders in our business.
ATPI’s ambition is to be the number one travel and events provider of choice for international businesses looking for sector expertise, high-touch service and innovative technology and sustainability is central to this.
Under the leadership of our CEO, Ian Sinderson, we set out to broaden our ambitions and address true business sustainability.
“At ATPI we understand that sustainability is no longer just about reducing emissions, it’s about actively having a positive impact on our society and environment. Our journey is one that continues to evolve but our strategy is based on the core foundations of environment, social and governance frameworks and is driven by a passionate team” Ian Sinderson | CEO

ATPI’s plan



Our work will be consistent with all of ATPI’s values.



To drive sustainability into the core of our business.



Best practice is embedded in all aspects of our global operations.


Strategic Objectives

We have identified 9 strategic objectives as unique to our business.

Key initivates

Key Initiatives

In developing our strategy, we have used the Sustainable Development Goals as our inspiration.

ATPI Evolve

Sustainability is a journey that is constantly evolving….

Under the banner of ATPI Evolve, we developed a strategic vision addressing the objectives meaningful to ATPI in each of the areas of Environment, Social and Governance.

With a passionate team of internal and external stakeholders, supported by a wide range of subject matter experts, we created The ATPI Sustainable Plan. The plan incorporates key objectives that are relevant to ATPI, a global travel business.

The wheel captures our ambition, graphically representing our nine strategic objectives. Under these nine strategic objectives sit our evolving global projects.

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What it means to us

Sustainability is a philosophy of business – it’s the way we do things. By incorporating our environmental, social and governance objectives into everything we do, it ensures that we have profitable and sustainable outcomes.

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Alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

In developing The ATPI Sustainable Plan, we have been inspired by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015. At its heart, the 17 SDGs represent an urgent call to action for all.

The SDGs set out below, provide a comprehensive basis for a sustainable world and a guide for target setting and best practice.

We have been able to use this “shared blueprint” for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, to articulate ATPI’s principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment, and anti-corruption.

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Our in-house carbon measurement, reduction and compensation service

Our unique sustainable travel service allows clients to compensate for unavoidable travel emissions with our leading carbon finance partners.

Learn more
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ATPI Inspires

Encouraging Acts of Kindness

Our purpose is to share our wide range of talents, resources and passion for volunteering for the greater good. At ATPI, we believe that small actions lead to big change.

If you are a nonprofit or charity that would like to partner with ATPI Inspires please reach out to us at [email protected]

Atpi inspires
ATPI Evolve

Sustainability Report

ATPI has published its first sustainability report, highlighting the company’s global sustainability performance and key metrics for the calendar year 2023.

Download ATPI’s Sustainability Report 2024 here
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Our Environmental objectives

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Travel and events solutions

Our tools will make sustainable options available for all clients.

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Commitment to resource responsible operations

We recognise that climate change is urgent and undeniable and we are committed to reducing the impact of our operations in line with the Paris Climate Agreement.

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Collaboration to innovate travel and events

Our platform allows us to inspire innovation in the travel industry.

Our Social objectives

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Socially responsible growth

Growth will bring opportunities to the communities in which we operate.

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Building the ATPI global family

Sharing knowledge, expertise, and initiatives to enhance the working experience of our global family.

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Embedding equality, diversity and inclusivity

Opportunities to participate and advance equally to represent the communities in which we operate.

Our Governance objectives

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Responsible procurement

Compliance ensures that out suppliers are aligned with our ambitions.

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Excellence in governance

Our commitment drive accountability, integrity, transparency, and excellence.

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Comprehensive reporting

Our established reporting promise will deliver continuous improvements in reporting.

Want to find out more?

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